Its seeds provide food for birds, squirrels, and other garden visitors throughout the summer, its flowers are a site of beauty for gardeners and garden passers-by. The sunflower, in its myriad of iterations and color may be the most captivating flower in our garden year after year.
Sunflowers as their name suggests, soak up the sun... If you pay close attention to a particular sunflower throughout the day you might even notice that the head of the flower changes position based upon where the sun is in the sky at that particular time in the day.
Directly in the center of the sunflower are where the seeds grow, and there you can always spot frequent visitors like bees to gather around to soak up those tiny blossoms. To get the most out of your sunflowers wait until their petals become dry and begin to fall, why??? Harvesting sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds makes the perfect addition to trail mix, salads, and a quick snack .