As we embark on our first year as amateur beekeepers, we have finally reached our zenith. Today, on “National Honey Bee Day” of all days coincidentally, we decided to attempt our very first honey harvest. The trek was not without trepidation being novices to the art, we had no idea what to really anticipate, and probably were not as prepared as we thought we were. Thanks to the great invention of the Flow® Hive we were able to pull of this great feat almost without a hitch.
Upon learning about the Flow® Hive while researching ways to get into beekeeping, we knew almost immediately this was something we had to try. While the experience hasn’t been without a learning curve, today proved that this was one of the best investments we’ve made in the last 6 years of our journey.
As you can see from the photos, the ladies have been hard at work storing up this golden honey for the upcoming winter, and unbeknownst to them, for our cupboard as well. Being the avid connoisseurs of honey that we are, we have a ton of ways that we like to use the “liquid gold”. From sweetening teas, oatmeal or over pancakes, or adding to one of Yacky’s favorite winter time concoctions of elderberry, honey and lemon juice, we are elated that we now have the option to have our own local honey essentially “on-tap”.
We recently invested in a " Hybrid " Flow® Hive and performed a colony split ( hopefully in time before the flowers die off ) and are looking forward to future fun days such as the one we had today.